It was an interesting challenge to use non-traditional materials called 'media' to add interest to my enlarged portrait. Mirror shard and SHINY look good together. The red paint I used looks so wimpy and orange, though.
I used the story of the Tailor of Enbarzio Street and my lurve of scissors and SHINY for my inspiration.
~Aidan Aesoph
I am very proud of my project, because it is actually something that I can take home and use. It didn't come out perfect, but I am just glad that I get to take it home and eat out of it. Jeff Schambach.
I liked to make this project. I got to make a unique project using alto, bass, and sunken relief, which made it look cool in 3D in some places. It was cool to use the slab
roller, but I was so nervous i would mess it up. the glaze was cool because I didnt really know what it was going to turn out like, but in the end I really loved it.
Doing the Trading Hearts Dolls, really touched my heart. I've been in Invisible Children for three years now. When I made the soft sculpture doll, I felt really connected with Uganda and the kids over there. I learned how to actually make the dolls, with sewing them together and adding the mouth and eyes. I really enjoyed making the dolls. It was a great overall success. -Cordessa Griglack.
This was overall my favorite project. I liked how choosing a design for our matrix we got to be completely original. I learned how to carve out a linoleum block and then how
to apply ink to my matrix using a brayer. My favorite part about this project was that we got to make as many prints as we wanted until we got one that really liked and no matter what they all turned out different. - Julie Thorpe
This was my favorite drawing. It was from the right brain unit project. while doing this I learned how to use the viewfinder and negative space. This was my favorite because of the different shadings and I thought the object looked very cool.- Terrance Lewis
This project was my least favorite but it did teach me a lot that I didn't know, I always thought that print making just happened through a computer but this taught me that you can use many methods to do it as well. The lino block method was very difficult, especially when having to carve out the matrix. My type of block particular made the process harder when applying the ink with the brayer because it wouldn't cooperate correctly. Making the project as a whole ten times more difficult. -Jordyn king
I enjoyed making this project. It was my first clay piece that I will ever use. I learned the types of relief alto, bas and sunken.
I also learned how to use glaze.This project was a lot of fun. Ryan Baker
I loved doing this project. It was really easy to draw the elephant because I could see it and draw it easy. :) But the sunset was harder to do because I had to blend the colors. But i"m glad I drew what I drew because it was a big symbol for Uganda and is my favorite animal. I just wish no one would have bought it, i really wanted to keep it. It was definitely a fun experience. -Jenn Polando
The puzzle board represents how the Ugandians are slowly piecing the peace back in Uganda. This was a really touching project to learn how those people are suffering, but the upside is that we are there to help save the children there!!!! :) Kolby Holt
My favorite project would have to be the Uganda project. I liked this one the best because we got to come up with our own ideas and it was for a very good cause. And i love helping out people. Especially children. :)
Loooooovee Taylor!
i loved the clay piece, i enjoyed it more then anything, as you can tell, its the only thing i really put my heart into it =p haha. i learned so much doing this clay project, painting, glazing, carving. it was amazing the way my peace came out, an i thanks miss Gartley for giving me the chance to work on something so great. =)