Lucas A. Stinger
The benefits of collaborating are the many ideas you can work with. The challenges are coming up with the ideas and making them come to life. Our artwork shows the optimistic and the pessimistic future unfolding together. The Hotpocket cooking is the optimistic being eaten is the pessimistic future.
Joseph E. Burke
The benefits of using each other and mashing ideas is that you can use thoughts from all and mash them to create the master plan. William Kendridge as I interpreted is that your going to go through some rough patches and some times you'll be running through a field of flowers. But you cant control the future so let the pieces fall into place.
Mike P. Lilley
the benefits of collaborating is you already have the idea of what you want to do in order to have a better drawing. i think what William Kentridge meant was no matter what happens your going to have good times and bad times, but that what gets you to your future. the quote was "the artist understands that the optimistic and the pessimistic future unfold together.